Friday, August 27, 2010

Childhood Memories

This weekend, please visualize yourself on your elementary school playground. Describe a specific memory you have in this place. Then, think about what's common, good and bad, about a child's experience on the playground. Explain at least one of those common experiences here. I encourage you to interact with your peers on this blog. Ask questions, respond to thinking, make connections with others here.


  1. I remember bringing my stuffed animals to the playground. We would dig small paths for them in the gravel. Me and my frinds would play games like that every day. One good experience on the play ground would be if you are playing tag and you are very close to being tagged but you never get tagged or if you win at anouther sport. One bad experience is if you were left out of a game or you were bullied on the playground.

  2. one good childhood experience is, i would play hide and seek on the playground with my friends. we would laugh and scream and just have fun hiding in the tires and slides, we would hide under the playground sets and on top of the playground sets. one bad thing that happened on the school playground, was getting bullied. people would come up to me and my friends and make fun o us and would pick on us. This would us upset and make that experience on the play ground not very fun at at all. Did this ever happen you think about it?????????????

  3. One good childhood memory would be when I would kick ball on the feild. I would just have a blast running around and laughing. We use to have huge games with the whole grade, but the best game ever was the whole 5th grade verse the staff. It had to of been the best thing I've ever done.

  4. One childhood memory i have on the playground would be "the spider." Everyone wanted to play on it and it was just the coolest thing ever!
    I remember learning a bunch of tricks on it, it was definitely one of the best parts about the playground at my elementary school!

  5. One of my childhood memory at my elementary school would have to be just running around and playing tag. My friends and I wouldn't be on the playground, we would be out in the grass trying to catch each other. Running around was really the only fun part of recess. A bad experience that happened was that my friend slipped and scraped his knee. However, we still played tag everyday.

  6. The best childhood memory i had in the playground was when me and my friends would play tag. Everyday after lunch we would all race to the play ground and the last on there was it. However i was never last. But i do miss it... That was the best childhood memory on the playground.

  7. One of my best childhood memories is when there was a bear in my neiborhood. My friend Molly and I went to go look at the bear in our neibor's back yard. We danced around and we spelled "GO BEAR" in the street with chalk. We were trying to get on the news. We just had so much fun that day!

  8. I remember always playing football in the rocks by the swings outside at recess. Whoever brought the ball got to be captain, and we always played two hand touch 5 Mississippi rush.

  9. One of my best child hood memories of the playground was at the time when the second Harry Potter movie came out and for the rest of the school year at recess we would run around and pretend to cast spells on each others in british accents. I would always be draco because I had his voice down and my friends would take turns being Harry. We would all take twigs off of trees and say what kind of wands we had like "8 inch holly and Dragon hearstring". Common good things on the playground were things like playing tackle football and capture the flag in the feild. Common bad things would usually be like someone falling down and scraping their knee.

  10. My clearest memory on the playground at Moody was when I was in fourth grade, they added this new addition to our playground that was blue and about 5 feet tall. We named it "the spinny thing" Up to 6 people could ride it at once, we would all race to it at recess and 6 people would climb on, grab these little handlebars, put on the safety belt and then a bunch of people would spin them around as fast as possible. It was such a rush, and then for fun we would make everyone try to walk a straight line right when they got off. I wasn't crazy about riding it, but I was happy to spin my friends around and around until the bell rang. At first, when it was built, everyone crowded around it waiting anxiously for their turn. But after the first few weeks, people got tired of it so it ended up being just me and three of my best friends who used it every day for the rest of the year. But it didn't always treat us well. I remember one time my best friend Halle ran during P.E. for about 45 minutes straight, so when it was lunch time, she chugged an entire bottle of water without stopping. After that, we went outside, as usual and she hopped right on the spinny thing and we asked her if she really wanted to ride right after all that water, she insisted so we spun her. She was okay for the rest if that day but she wasn't at school the next day. A great memory I had was the first time I rode the spinny thing. It was just so exciting and I couldn't wait to go on again.

  11. The best childhood memory on the playground was when my grade would verse the upper classman in touch football. I would have so much fun just running around playing football. The worst childhood memory on the playground was when my friend fell off the monkey bars and broke his arm.

  12. I had many child hood memories at elementary school. I rember when I used to play soccer on the fields, my friends and I all played at lunch and had a great time. I remember there used to be so much competion that a lot of the kids got into arguments. I miss my elementary years!

  13. A childhood memory of mine was in 4th grade and my classmates and I got to move to the big playground now. They had one of those monkey bar things but it is half of a circle.We all loved this so much that we would have big games of tag and you would only be allowed to stay on that obstacle. If we got tagged you would start on the bottom and then climb up and try to tag other people. The worst part about this (bad memory) was when they person trying to tag people fell off and then we were never allowed to play this game again.

  14. My favorite childhood memory would be playing on the tire swing, me and my friends would always go on it after lunch and go up and down and we all woulld have fun on it.The worst childhood memory would be when one of my friends fell off the tire swing.

  15. My best childhood memory was when me and my brothers and mom were going to go drop off my dad at the airport for a buisness trip, and when we were getting ready to say goodbuy to him they surrprised us and told us that we were going to disney world and we all got on the plane and left. That was an amazing trip

  16. one of my favioret childhood memeries is july 2 2010.I choose this memorie because i went to a concert this concert was between the trees with five star iris as the opening act. This concert was at elitch gardens. sence between the trees is not from colorado nor has gone to elitches before well they did not no much about this place and sence i like grew up in denver and knowes so much about elitch i got to show them around and i also got to ride a ride with them all before there concert at 7 pm. And after this concert the opening act five star iris well i got to ride some rides with them well actually aln cuz Chris and Alex dousent like roller coasters so Alan and i rode the sling shot, excelarater, and the tower of doom. And we all keep in touch to tell this day. It is preaty cool. And that is my most favierot memorie of all times (july 2 2010)

  17. Something I remember myself doing most of my 3rd grade recess is jumping rope and hop scotch. The girls were usually on the black top jumping rope, singing silly songs that entertained us while counting(cinderella), and talking for our free time.Although us girls had fun during recess there was always some bad moments.For instance my best friend Shannon once tripped on the jump rope after her turn was up and scraped her arms and knees really bad.It might not seem incredibly horrible now but, 9 year olds are fragile.

  18. The best childhood memory in elementary school was playing gravel on the playground.Right after lunch we would always run outside as fast as we could and hop right on to the playground and start playing gravel. The worst childhood memory would be when we got taged and kids would get bullied.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. The best childhood memory I have from elementary school was field day. The whole day we just did lots of games getting ribbons. The blue ribbon was for first place. After school ended they would give out ice cream and snow cones. Then all my friends and I would spend the night at my house

  21. One good childhood memory for me was playing kickball during 5th grade. It was a huge thing at our school when we played the annual 5th grade vs. the staff game and we all had lots of fun and memories that will never be forgotten. This was basically the best thing I have ever done.

  22. the best memory i have from elementary school was on the last day of fifth grade our grade walked to the preserve pool and we got to swim and have fun. And after that my friends and i rode our bikes to our friends house. It was really fun abd probaly one of my favorite times at elementary school

  23. The memorie that I remember the most was when my pal Chris Davis and I beat the staff at a kickball game in the fifth grade. Run after run we pounded the staff into the ground.

  24. for my childhood memory i rember that when i was in fifth grade our school had added a new monkey bars and i rember that all the fifth graders used to hog it all and we never let third or fourth graders use it i felt so bad that one time when i was on it i saw a little girl sittting in the sand box just staring at the bars. So i gave up my turn and let her use it you feel so good when you share and allow others to use things. And after that i would always let the smaller kids use things.

  25. I used to go on the swings during recess. There was a kid I met in the same grade (different teacher)and He was a really cool guy. We'd swing and talk about random things, like the idea of numbers and life in other galaxies.

  26. My childhood memory would be playing on the monkey bars and seeing who could get across the fastest.The only bad thing about it was getting bad blisters on your hands the good thing was that it gave all of us a good competition game.

  27. one of the fun things we did on the playground was digging for water in the sand volleyball courts, once found, my friends and i would create an elaborate set of rivers, canals, islands, and forts, often spanning the entire court.

  28. One childhood memory i remember is when we used to swing on the swings and when someone else wanted on they would count to 100 and then you had to get off. I remember this the best because i used to swing all the time! That's all i wanted to do was swing! And after awhile kids wouldn't even come up to me and count to a 100 because they knew that was my swing and they would not be able to get on! I miss those elementary years!

  29. one thing that I remember from my elementry playground school would have to be when we always played double dutch and jump rope. a good thing that happened to a child is that we all got along, and a bad thing that happened to a child would have to be when my friend feel on hr face and she couldnt come to school for a week.

  30. my favorite childhood memory is when i always got to go to work with my dad and we had lunch all the time.

  31. My childhood memory on the playground was when we got an upgraded tire swing. Everyone went crazy over it. there was always a huge line. me and my friends would spin each other, and when we were spinning we would jump on. All of our good times were shared together, but they weren't always very great. I remember it was really icy and me and my friend were running and we slipped i landed on her arm and my butt and got a big bruise :( my friend broke her arm. i couldnt sit for a week and her arm didn't heal for 3 months.

  32. A childhood memory I remember the most on the play ground was playing Soccer with the boys. I was in the fifth grade and it was five seconds till the bell rang and the score was three to three. Just so happens I was goalie and wasn’t really paying attention until I got pounded with the ball in my gut. I literally fell to the ground with the ball in my hands and saved my team for another rematch. After getting the wind knocked out of me all the boys lifted me up and carried me on their shoulders. It was the best day ever even though I felt like throughing up the whole day. To me I think childhood memories are important because it describes you as a person when you become older, and you live and learn from them.

  33. I remember when i was a 5 year old boy and i would go to my friends jungle gym everyday. there we would run and play and just have a great time. Until one day we brought up 16 pudding cups and threw them down the slide and all over the place, we couldnt go back to the jungle gym for a while.

  34. I had so many memories with my friends on the playgroud. One that i remember really well is one of my best friends and I were on the bars (as usaul) and we were singing really loud. It was "Suga Suga" by Baby Bash. Don't ask my why we knew that song when were so young, because i honestly don't know. I just remember we had the best time just singing and doing genie drops, we were crazy kids. (:

  35. One childhood memory i have would probably be chase. It would be the boys against the girls and we would always run around on the lower field. It was always so much fun and we would always get all dirty. We all always looked forward to that every recess. This was one of many of my childhood memories.

  36. My best childhood memory was when i was in 4th grade and i was really into gymnastics so me and my friends would have competitions to see ho many back bend walk overs we could do. I once did 12 in a row i was so dizzy afterward but once everything stopped spinning i was up and ready to go again!

  37. As an attendee of Lois Lenski Elementary School, I made a lot of good and not so good childhood memories. But somewhere those memories where created, and that somewhere was the playground. There was so much to do but it seemed like every week we would have a theme. First it was the tire swings then the monkey bars, double-dutch jump roping, basketball, soccer, then the swings, and monkey chips! Kids having fun on a playground came with common good and bad memories. A good memory that everyone experienced was chasing boys all around the playground making kissy faces. A bad memory of the playgrounds was knees getting scraped, and bee stings. But one specific memory I had this one week where everyday it snowed, which meant the week that followed, there where giant piles of snow all over the blacktop! So the teachers allowed us to climb all over the mountains of snow. We slid down them, we jumped off of them, and it was really fun! Overall the playground was a good place and created a lot of childhood memories!

  38. a good childhood memory is when i would play kick ball at recess. I would just have a fun playing with my friends and beating the other team. i would always be a captin and choose my best and my friends were ussually the most athletic kids at school. that i one of my childhood memories.

  39. In elementary school me and my friends played basketball on the blacktop. It was fun because we all loved it. Lots of kids play basketball and other games. Its good because it gives them something good to do outside, but isn't so good when someone trips and scims themself.

  40. In elementary school we played many games on the blacktops at our school but the best game was four courner. This was such a great game because you could get out but 2 seconds later be back in playing again. The bad part of this was when you were the king for to long and the other players would gaing up on you to get you out.

  41. My best childhood memory was the time i got the chace to dine with the killer whales at waterworld in californis with my favorite aunt.

  42. When I was an elementary school kid, what my favorite thing to do on the playground was go as I high as I could possible go on the swingset. What is common about this is that many kids would have the same memory or have getting on the swings be their favorite thing as a child.

  43. In my elementary school, the coolest thing you could possibly do was climb up on top of the slide and climb all the way up it. If you got up there you were the coolest kid ever! I remember one day I decided that I was going to climb all the way up to the top of the slide. My friends just sat there and watched as I climbed the slide. I reached the top and all the kids came and started cheering. It was a big deal for everyone at the time. That was probably the best thing I did in elementary school.

  44. i dont really remember that much from elementary school, but the one thing i remember most was with my friends on the tire swing. we would sit on the tire swing and go as fast as we could. one day my friend threw up and after that, we would pretend that the entire playground area was puke, and you had to jump around and move quickly to not land in the puke. one bad memory i had is when i got in a fight with a sixth grader when i was seven

  45. One childhood memory that I remember is getting on the swing with my friend and having a contest and whoever swung the highest first won! But one bad thing occurred when doing this contest and that was once my friend slipped of the swing and broke her are....we never played that game again after that.

  46. One fun childhood experience on the playground was kick ball or flag football. We would run out to the field every single day after lunch and pick teams to play kickball. We would also play four square. The fun thing about that was we changed up the rules so it was more fun. And thats what my memory is of elementry school.

  47. I loved to play basketball with my friends every day at recess even though I wasnt very good. Whenever my friends would be captain they woould be captain they would always pick me first which made me feel good. It was always fun accept for when people thought we were cheating and we would get in major arguments. Then people would start to leave and the game would slowly disentigrate.

  48. One memory i remember when i was at elementry school, was when me and all my friends played basketball with eachother. we would always get really competitive and get in fights. This relates to Arapahoe, because me and all my friends always argue about where to go to lunch.

  49. One childhood memory from my elementry playground, was when I was hanging out with my friends and out of no where some kid goes on a swing and falls, resulting in a bloody nose. This is common because anybody can get hurt from the simplest things. This is bad because it probably did not feel good for the victim, this is good because he can always have a memory of that moment that reminds him of his elementry school. This relates to Arapahoe because in my swimming class one of my classmates went off the diving board and got a bloody nose from the simplest thing.

  50. One of my really fun childhood memories was when I was about two I got on my dog, Tazzy and I rode her around the back yard until I fell off, it's a good memory because Tazzy died when we were both 11 years old, we grew up together and I really miss her.

  51. A childhood Memory i rember was when i 4th grade and i had an amazing teacher that i first hated but then after a while i ended up liking alot.
    She never gave me study hall ever.

  52. One of my earlyest memorys was when I was on the play grownd in pre school. Me and my freinds would play two diferent games. The first is when we would climb up on this nett structure and pretend we were spiders I would always be the the black widdow.That nett seemed like it was ten feet tall but if I went back and meashured it problably would only be six. The second game is were we go to the sand box and try to dig the biggest hole we could wile sitting on a toy truck. Sound effects were nessesary.

    will u. second hower

  53. I remember playing on the swings and jumping off of them going as high as i could. One time though i slipped off at the bottom of the ark and smacked my head on the ground. Also i broke a swing at mt middle school in 6th grade.
